Lesson Pack - THE LASER BEAM

Lesson Pack - THE LASER BEAM


Whether you're looking to play the Laser Beam for the very first time, or you're simply looking to improve your touch and feel for the rudiment at faster tempos, the BDG Laser Beam Lesson Pack is the last training regiment you'll ever need. With the wide array of resources this packet provides, you're sure to reach your goals in no time at all.

This particular pack includes 13 hand-picked exercises and etudes presented in a high quality PDF file with loads of helpful commentary and visual imagery designed to help you get the most out of every single rep.

Don't have a bassline you can rehearse with at any hour of the day? We've got you covered with a large number of MP3 play-along tracks to help make your practice more productive. Each of the 13 exercises and etudes in our pack comes with AT LEAST 9 different tempos you can play along to. Each track will take you through 4 reps at that tempo so that you don't have to constantly keep hitting the rewind button.

Here's a more detailed summary of the resources you can expect to find in this particular lesson pack:

  • Timing Grids to establish partial timing independently.
  • Challenge Grids to strengthen partial relationships to each other.
  • Rudiment Primers to build up 3 different Laser Beam patterns.
  • Rudiment Etudes to improve your sight-reading and virtuosity.
  • 13 Folders of MP3 Play-Along tracks with 9-17 different tempos in each. More than 120 Play-Along tracks total.
  • Clear Visuals explaining complex ideas

Upon purchase, you'll receive an email with a PDF for the lesson pack, along with a complete directory for all of the play-along tracks.

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